This book concentrates on texts relating to Africa and African refugee problems. It contains treaties (i. e. legally binding agreements upon states, which have ratified or acceded to the treaty) relating to asylum, refugees and stateless persons; extracts of some of the universal treaties defining human rights; and treaties on jurisdiction and extradition.
Contents: PART I. Asylum. Refugees and stateless persons/ TOME I. Asile. Rèfugiès et apatrides -- 1. League of Nations. Multilateral treaties / Sociètè des Nations. Traitès multilateraux -- 2. United Nations. Multilateral treaties / Organisation des Nations Unies. Traitès multilateraux -- 3. Organization of African Unity. Multilateral treaties / Organisation de l’Unité Africaine. Traitès multilateraux – PART II. Other treaties related to asylum and refugees / TOME II. Traiteès portant sur l’asile les rèfugiès -- PART III. Jurisdiction and extradition / TOME III. Jurisdiction et extradition -- PART IV. Declaration and resolutions adopted by intergovernmental organizations / TOME IV. Declarations et resolutions adoptees par organizations inter-gouvernementales -- 6. United Nations. General Assembly / Organisation des Nations Unies. Assemblée general -- 7. United Nations. Economic and Social Council / Organisation des Nations Unies. Conseil économique et social -- 8. Organization of African Unity. Assembly of Heads of State and Government / Organisation de l’Unité Africaine. Assemblée des chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement -- 9. Organization of African Unity. Council of Ministers / Organisation de l’Unité Africaine. Conseil des Ministres – 10. Conference on the Legal, Economic and Social Aspects of African Refugee Problems, 9-18 October 1967 / Conférence sur les aspects juridiques, économicues et sociaux du probléme des réfugiés africains, 9-18 octobre 1967 -- 11. Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee / Comité consultative juridique Afro-Asiatique