Nigeria, once a promising and resourceful country, is experiencing economic and political decay. This book highlights the remarkable progress wich has been achieved in spite of this decline. It follows Nigeria´s important textile industry from the heyday of the oilboom through successive phases of adjustment and liberalization. The fo-cus is on the trade unions and the book points to the successful institutionalization of a union-based labour regime. It draws on extensive field work, interviews with managers unionists, workers and massive documentation from internal union sources.
Contents: 1. Trade unions and industrial adjustment -- 2. Crisis and adjustments in the textile industry -- 3. Bargaining and coping -- 4. Companies, cities and workers -- 5. Six company cases -- 6. Industrial structure, place and labour regime -- 7. The textile workers union -- 8. The progress of unionization -- 9. Resistance to unionization in Kano -- 10. Militancy and mediation -- 11. Union bureaucracy and the democratic processorkers against the union -- 13. Corporatism, self-organization and industrialization -- 14. Transition – a post-script