This book examines the rise and fall of the Ethio-Eritrean federation which existed from 1952 to 1962. The author argues that the federation was abolished by Eritrean social and political forces rather than by Ethiopia. The UN imposed federation and its constitution was doomed to fail, as these were foreign to Eritrean and Ethiopian conceptions of power.
... a book on a subject on which very little authentic material is otherwise available. [...] On the whole, the book is extremely well written with remarkable clarity of language. (Africa Quarterly, No. 1/1998.)
Contents: 1. Introduction – 2. Eritrean political parties on the eve of the UN resolution -- 3. The Eritreo-Ethiopian Federation, 1952–55 -- 4. The Moslem League and the dissolution of the Federation, 1955–1962 -- 5. The long road to independence: an outline -- 6. Conclusion: Future challenges