In this study of recent developments in Guinea Bissau Lars Rudebeck seeks to investigate how democratic rule emerges and functions in real life. His analysis extends far beyond the multi-party system and election procedures as he discusses contrasts in people's perceptions of democracy. He assesses their access to influential structures, the roles of civil and political society, of the military, and of international assistance and argues that complex power structures need to be addressed if democracy is to be consolidated.
Contents: I. Introdução -- II. O conflict military na Guiné-Bissau em 1998-99 -- III. Uma nova situação política depois de 7 de Maio de 1999 -- IV. Transição visando as eleições de 28 de Novembro de 1999 -- V. Eleições legislativas e presidenciais -- VI. Última volta das eleições presidenciais e novo governo -- VII. Democratização na aldeia=”mudança”? -- VIII. Qual o future para a democracia recém-adquirida?