Theme: African agriculture.
Contents: To Our Readers: November 2007 / Carin Norberg -- African agriculture: African agriculture and the World Bank: development or impoverishment? / Atakilte Beyene -- Property rights formalisation in Africa / Tor A. Benjaminsen & Espen Sjaastad -- The relationship between inequality and climate change / Kjell Havnevik -- Commentaries: Decoding the evolving China–Africa relations / Fantu Cheru -- Interview: Martha Qorro on the language of instruction issue in Tanzania / Lennart Wohlgemuth -- Jerome Verdier on the Liberian TRC / Proscovia Svärd -- Research: “The EU market is open to you – but we are not going to let you in!” / Yenkong Ngangjoh Hodu -- Interview with Patrick Chabal / Susanne Linderos -- Evaluation of academic output – the experiences among AEGIS members / Anna Eriksson Trenter -- Report from the AEGIS ECAS conference in Leiden / Signe Arnfred -- Conferences: The Nordic Africa Days -- Publishing: Recent publications