The theme of NAI’s Annual Report 2010 reflects the impressive economic growth and encouraging political developments in many parts of the continent. However, in terms of democracy and human rights there are also worrying signs in several countries. The Annual Report offers a window on to NAI’s work. Drawing on their research, NAI scholars provide readers with engaging stories about the rapidly changing political, economic and social character of African societies.
CONTENTS: RESEARCH AT THE NORDIC AFRICA INSTITUTE IS DIVIDED INTO FOUR CLUSTERS: GLOBALIZATION, CONFLICT, RURAL AND URBAN -- Continent of Complexity / Carin Norberg -- Globalization -- The dawn of an African Century “or another mirage?” / Fantu Cheru -- 5 Questions for Francis Matambalya -- Returning migrants and development: Contrasting policy and reality / Lisa Åkesson -- Conflict -- Are elections really enough? “The transition to democratic peace in west Africa” / CyrIl Obi -- 5 Questions for Tor Sellström -- Constitutional reform in Kenya: towards a new order? / Anders Sjögren -- Not enough to add women and stir / MarIa Eriksson Baaz -- Rural -- The one who has not eaten cannot pray “Tightroping between wordly and spiritual well-being in rural Cameroon” / Tea Virtanen -- Richness and poverty through rituals / Terje Oestigaard -- A delicate balance: Short-term gains or long-term food seCurity? / Eva Tobisson -- Hoes, tractors and information technologies / Caroline Wamala -- Urban -- Making Jew-man business “Filming post-war youth in Sierra Leone” / Mats Utas -- Monumental politics in Namibia / Andrew Byerley -- Beyond dysfunctionality: Recycling in Kaduna / Onyanta Adama-Ajonye -- 3 Questions for Jenny Cadstedt -- World Cup losers: The urban poor -- Africa has the floor -- Into my mind / Brian James -- Balancing the flow of information / Åsa Lund Moberg -- Open access is here to stay / Birgitta Hellmark Lindgren -- Beyond drops of water -- Reconnecting the Continent / Simone Noemdoe – NAI-FOI Lectures 2010 / Gunnar Sörbö -- Published by the institute in 2010 -- Externally published by staff -- The institute in the media -- Conferences and workshops -- Lectures and seminars -- Book launches -- 3 Questions for Mai Palmberg -- Programme and research council, staff and guests -- Scholarships -- Financial statement 2010